Posted by Gunilla Karlson on Friday, January 14, 2011
The February Issue of Your Dog Magazine only hit the shelves last weekend, but it has already unleashed a torrent of cards and letters pouring in for the Wolfwhistle Free giveaway! So much so that the postman, squinting at 'Your Dog Giveaway, Wolfwhistle Studios etc' wondered what sort of celebrity dog I was giving away! We were thinking of drawing the lucky winner out of a hat, but now we are considering a bag...!
Merlin had a rocky week, a flare up of his IBD (which is not pretty nor does it smell nice), but I managed to get his medication down his throat and he is almost himself again, although he does glow a bit in the dark...
And we have pondered this week whether there is an app on the market that shows maps with off lead areas for dogs and/or times/dates for beach uses etc...? Enlighten us!
your dog magazine
free giveaway